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Press On Nail Troubleshooting

Yall all know I am a nail girlie. Always have been, always will be. But I switched to press on nails about 7 months ago: I didn't like spending HOURS in the nail salon, I didn't like the prices anymore, and I especially didn't like how they would break and then have the AUDACITY to charge me $15 for them to fix it.

Press ons offer a quick and easy way to transform your nails- with tons of various colors and designs without the hassle of going to a salon. However, to enjoy a long-lasting dash, you might have some challenges along the way-it's human! If you have tried press-ons and they won't last 2-3 weeks, here are some tips to help!

1. Nail Size Matters

One common issue is choosing the wrong size of press-on nails. Ensure that the press- on nails you select fit your natural nails properly. Nails that are too small can lead to edges lifting, while nails that are too big will stick to your skin and cause the dash not to 'suction' to your natural nail bed. Take the time to measure and select the right sizes for each of your nails.

2. Prep Is Key!

Before attaching the dashes, make sure your natural nails are clean, dry, and free of any oils or residue. Use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to cleanse your nails thoroughly. This will help dry them out and create a clean canvas for the glue to bond with, ensuring a longer-lasting hold.

3. Rough'n Em Up!

Take the filer, that comes in your kit and rough up your natural nail bed. Think about it just like try to climb a mountain with ice. If the ice is silk and smooth, climbing is going to be impossible. The ice needs to be textured and choppy for you and your gear to stick with and climb. (hopefully that made sense to you like it does to me LOL) Just like the ice, if your nail is smooth, the nail will slide off. Use the file on the top of yor natural bed and give it texture. The glue with bond with it and the nail will last longer. **SEE ATTACHED PHOTO


Apply the nail at a 45 degree angle and PRESS & HOLD the dash. Press it, rub it, do whatever but this is a step you cannot miss. You should do this for 15-20 seconds.

5. Avoid Immediate Water Exposure

I highly recommend applying your dashes before bed. If you apply in the morning, you will be using them all day (washing hands, doing dishes, showering, etc.) If you apply your nails before bed, the glue and nail will have time to completely dry overnight.

6. Tube VS Brush-On Glue

Glue makes a difference.

-If you are using the Tube glue, that comes in the kit- you are going to want to use a pearl size in the middle of your nail bed.

-If you are using the Brush-On glue, you are going to want to add a few layers to your natural nail bed, and a few layers to the inside of the press-on dash.

**The glues are the exact same formula, it just depends on preference.

I know it sounds like a lot, but once you get the hang of it-you can do them in 10 minutes--compared to two hours at the salon. If you ever need help, you know where to find me!

**Example of how your nail bed should look before applying nail dashes.

If you're ready to give our nails a try, all kits are $14-$18 and include 30 nails (in different sizes), a cuticle pusher, nail file, and glue.


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