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Ready to Breakup With Your Nail Salon?

Say goodbye to the wait time at nail salons. Red Aspen Press-On Nails provide you with stunning, ready-to-wear nails in a matter of minutes.

    About Red Aspen Nails

    Our patented nail designs are not only drop-dead gorgeous but also made to last up to two weeks, so you can conquer your daily adventures without a single chip. With fresh nail sets dropping every week, you'll always be on the cutting edge of fashion without breaking the bank—typically, our sets cost just $14 to $16

    Want to Start Your Business?

    Become a Brand Ambassador!

    When you become a Red Aspen Ambassador, you're not just selling beautiful nails; you're sharing confidence, convenience, and style with others.  You also become apart of an amazing community of empowered women. Join me today and turn your passion for beauty into a thriving business!

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